Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dietary Changes

Okay, so the last post spoke of my contemplating a "diet." For folks in my place in life (meaning a past history of an eating disorder) mentioning this word is about as offensive as dropping the F-bomb in a room full of first graders.

By diet...or dietary changes, I merely am suggesting that I once again try to reign in sugar intake. I have had several months of a like free from all sugar sanctions and it's about time I imposed a little bit of well-meant rule.

So, I'm reinstating the sugar only 2x/month rule. If you think this is harsh and a relapse into old mindsets, you should know that I am insulin resistant (read previous posts) and that this was a medical suggestion and not just my own feeble way of controlling weight. I will continue to eat fruit and fruit juices....as they are unrefined sugars.

I'm really just blogging this so that those around me can keep me accountable. It's pretty funny. The day after I posted the "I'm selling myself to the circus" message, I forgot to eat breakfast and lunch (honestly, it was a Saturday, I forgot, and I ate a nice dinner) - my mom called and when I mentioned I hadn't eaten she got the suspicious tone....and I had to reassure her of my habits....the good ones.

It's good to have transparency....and it's awesome to have folks who are willing to hold you to it. That being said, don't everybody all at once start asking me if I've eaten that day, don't look at what I'm putting into my mouth, and don't concoct stories in your head about what I am or am not doing. I'll be straight with you....unless you annoy me, then I'll just punch you in the face with my giant elephant foot.

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