Friday, September 7, 2007

Breaking Myself

This morning, I woke up and decided, "self, I am not going to eat anything sweet today."

I didn't really think about keeping this thought in check.
a) Because I've been having something sweet everyday (and it seems like a lot).
b) I've kind of gotten sick of sweets and honestly, would prefer a nice crunchy celery stick (smothered in ranch dressing).

Well, the morning got off to a good start - except we were running late for morning prayer at our church. So, I choked down some yogurt (w/almonds) and we were on our way.

After prayer, we went across the street and got a cup of coffee. My husband roasts all of our coffee himself, so going "out" for coffee was a big treat and something we hadn't done for a while. Although, I must admit his coffee always tastes better.

I got to work 2 hours later and realized that I was hungry...and I wasn't going to make it to lunch. By divine intervention, krispy kreme glazed doughnuts were awaiting me in the office. Awesome.

I didn't really want something sweet - but I was hungry and it was there. Delicious - especially with coffee.

Then the guilt came. I shrugged it off. I was feeling good.

It continued to haunt me throughout the day, but I tried to be disciplined intaking each thought captive - instead of the other way around.

The time came in my day when I go for a run. I coach cross country (not a runner by nature) and I usually try to get my own workout in before the kids come for practice.

I was running late, but wanted to run the entire course (conundrum). Whereas in the past I probably would have foregone the workout for another doughnut in this situation; today, I went for it. And while this won't impress many of you - to me, it's pretty much a world record: 2 miles in 15 minutes. Sweet.

Never happened before and will most likely NEVER happen again.

I can feel my "self" breaking and my old "self" (the good one) - coming through...

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